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Skin Check
Skin Specialist
Title: When Should You See a Skin Specialist?
Unless you have specific skin problems, chances are you don’t visit a skin specialist (dermatologist) regularly. In hotter climes, however, it’s important to have a skin check from time to time to rule out the risk of melanoma. A skin specialist can also diagnose skin infections and conditions that your primary physician has less experience with. The following guidelines can be helpful in determining when you should see a skin specialist for treatment of skin issues.
Severe Acne – Severe acne that doesn’t subside with OTC treatments should be checked by a skin specialist/dermatologist. A skin specialist can recommend more effective therapies such as laser treatments or chemical peels to manage your condition.
Chronic Skin Conditions – Dermatologists have more experience treating chronic skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis and rosacea. A skin specialist can pinpoint the cause of your problem so you can get long-term relief.
Skin or Nail Infections – A skin specialist can diagnose yeast, bacterial, viral or fungal infections on your skin or nails so you can get immediate treatment.
Hair Loss – Although it’s natural to shed hair, severe hair thinning or hair loss could be a sign of a serious health issue and should be checked by a dermatologist.
Skin Growths and Moles – Moles and skin growths that change shape, size, color or texture should be checked by a dermatologist immediately as they could be cancerous.
Skin Cancer Screening – If you spend a lot of time in the sun, you should schedule a skin cancer screening annually or semi-annually as a preventive measure against melanoma. Early diagnosis and treatment of this condition could save your life. You can schedule this screening at our skin cancer clinic. Our skin cancer clinic is also the best location for skin cancer treatment.