We're committed to a clean and safe facility. Submit your health declaration
152/158 Broadwater Terrace, Redland Bay QLD 4165
Tel: 07 3154 1111
Simply put, a PRP facial uses your own blood's platelets and plasma on your face. The natural chemicals in your own PRP are slathered onto your face and then micro-needled into the skin during a short procedure.
Not only does it help the body create new elastin and collagen but it can virtually do away with wrinkles, acne scars, lines, stretch marks, and other types of scars. Plus, a PRP facial can deliver pronounced effects with better skin texture and tone
A PRP facial can deliver pronounced effects with better skin texture and tone
MD, FRACGP, Dip. Dermoscopy, Dip. Skin Cancer Surgery
SCI - Associate Fellow Skin Cancer Institute
Advanced Cert. Cosmetic Medicine
Advanced Cert Aptos Threads Lift